Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good Intentions....and Bacon

Dear Julie,

I see your good intentions and raise you...fantasies. People talk alot about their dreams, but if they never put any feet to them (in other words, if they never have a plan or set any goals to achieve their dreams), all they really have are fantasies. And that's fine if you want to live on Fantasy Island. But I don't want to live there. I want to live in Reality.

Now, as for the "Good Enough Police," I think we're meant to police ourselves. The trick is demanding enough, but not too much of ourselves. Brent used to frame it in terms of "just barely." He would say he wanted to give me something that I could do, but just barely. In other words...stretch, but don't break. I like that idea.

Trust me, you're not alone in pondering these things. But remember, at some point planning (or dreaming) has to degenerate into work (another great Brent saying!).

On my own unrelated note...I was on the interstate the other day and I passed a truck loaded with pigs. I didn't think "Lawd, those are some smelly pigs." Nor did I think "Look at how adorable their velvety pink noses are." No, my only thought was "Man, do I love me some bacon." Does that alarm you at all? I'm so glad I'm not Jewish. I'd never pass the bacon test.


Sunday, August 26, 2007

Good Intentions

Dear Karen-

Yeah. Good intentions. I have so many and yet I often begin to wonder if they are just pipe dreams. Do you ever feel that way? So many things that I want/need/ought to do...but I think I get so afraid that whatever I do won't be "good enough" (who polices that, anyway?) that I simply do nothing instead. I don't like to talk about it, really, but I'm watching one of our favorite movies and of course it deals heavily with this issue.

I want to be like Tracy, or like the new-lease-on-life Edna...I think I've got that inside somewhere. Unfortunately, the pathetic wallflower voice inside sometimes speaks a bit louder in my mind.

I'm sure it sounds like I'm all "po', po', pitiful me" or just plain depressed and I'm really not...I'm just pondering these things. I feel like I'm on the cusp of big changes and I want them to be for the better. OK, with the upcoming move and all it's not so much a feeling - but there are some changes that need to be made whether I'm moving or not.

Does any of this make any sense?

On a completely different note, you really must look at this - but I warn you, don't have a drink in your mouth when you do.


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Better The String Than The Hair

Dear Karen-

So does "cut the string" refer to the string you had to pull to make the doll talk? Better to cut that than the doll's hair, I say. Haven't we all taken scissors to some poor, unsuspecting doll's hair at some point? Bless their little plastic hearts.

Speaking of hair, mine has turned horrible all of a sudden. I don't know if it's stress, the weather, my constant hat-wearing or some combination of all of those things, but it just won't do anything. I've got a ridiculous amount of baby hairs in my part and since they all appear to be coarse and wiry, I haven't got a hope in the world. I'd have a nice selection of hats if the weather wasn't so horribly hot. Remind me never to move to Arizona.

So we are now in the Constant Vigilance stage of home showing readiness. I don't like it much. I am quite ready for someone to make an offer RIGHTNOW. Apparently we do have someone who is interested, but he had to go out of town today and won't be back until the first week of September. However, he's interested enough that if someone else makes an offer before then, he wants to be notified. I think that's a good sign. I'd think it was a better sign if he'd signed papers for an offer before he left town, but what are you gonna do?

Oh, by the way, your birthday present probably won't be there by your actual birthday - but look for it next week!


P.S. I finally broke down and bought myself Croc sandals like yours, except all black. Now my feet are happy.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Cut the String

Dear Julie,

It's been way too long since my last letter. I offer a simple explanation: I am a SLUG.

I watched the John Cusack movie "Gross Pointe Blank" this weekend. Overall, it was pretty funny (in a dark comedy kinda way). But the best part was the line, "Okay Chatty Cathy, cut the string." Of course several people immediately flashed into my head (Chatty Cathys every one). But here's the question: would the chattiest of Cathys even get the reference??? (Do YOU get the reference to the string, Young Chicken???)

The Traveling Gnome has been grounded!!! I am enjoying home & hearth these days. (Insert Snoopy Dance here.)

Pondering quietly (without Cathy chattering endlessly in the background),