Thursday, August 30, 2007

Good Intentions....and Bacon

Dear Julie,

I see your good intentions and raise you...fantasies. People talk alot about their dreams, but if they never put any feet to them (in other words, if they never have a plan or set any goals to achieve their dreams), all they really have are fantasies. And that's fine if you want to live on Fantasy Island. But I don't want to live there. I want to live in Reality.

Now, as for the "Good Enough Police," I think we're meant to police ourselves. The trick is demanding enough, but not too much of ourselves. Brent used to frame it in terms of "just barely." He would say he wanted to give me something that I could do, but just barely. In other words...stretch, but don't break. I like that idea.

Trust me, you're not alone in pondering these things. But remember, at some point planning (or dreaming) has to degenerate into work (another great Brent saying!).

On my own unrelated note...I was on the interstate the other day and I passed a truck loaded with pigs. I didn't think "Lawd, those are some smelly pigs." Nor did I think "Look at how adorable their velvety pink noses are." No, my only thought was "Man, do I love me some bacon." Does that alarm you at all? I'm so glad I'm not Jewish. I'd never pass the bacon test.


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