Thursday, September 6, 2007

New Dawg, Oddities and Questions

Dear Karen-

Before I get to the football thing, I have a few things to throw out there. First, I think you should be aware that your nephew seems to be following in his sister's footsteps. Not quite to the same whole-immersion degree, but still...we have a new dawg in the family. His name is Sniffle (doesn't it just subliminally imply that you need to keep a kleenex handy?) and I'm pleased to say that he's nearly housebroken.

Next, a question: do mothers of small children the world over suffer the same lack of privacy in the bathroom? or is it just me? So this evening, I'm in the bathroom doing the same things that all of us do in the bathroom...and in comes Ethan with a small bowl and a box of crackers. He wanted help pouring them in. Now, bear in mind that his father was in the living room (which, as you recall, is much nearer to where the crackers are kept), but yet Ethan chose to bring them to the BATHROOM for me to deal with it. And lest anyone say I should have a lock on the bathroom door (don't think I haven't already thought of that), it wouldn't matter. They would simply yell to me through the door instead.

Now, about this football thing. You may be surprised to learn that I was just thinking earlier this week that if anyone could convert me to football, it would be you and Curtis. Heck, it worked with college hoops, right? Why not football? I will admit right off the has always seemed awfully start-stop-start-stop to me. Perhaps Football for Dummies might help.

The sad thing is that I don't even know who Your Team is. So...who's your fave? I think the first step for me would have to be to be presented with which team I should support and why. Once I give it a try and formulate my own opinions, I could then decide if I still wished to support said team or drop them like a hot potato and focus my energies on another one. I don't feel any particular affiliation or affection with the Titans, so don't feel tied to them on my account just because I live here.

And really...I think Faith Hill should have chosen to lip-sync tonight. Just sayin.


1 comment:

Roberta said...

Go, Chudley Cannons! Erm....good luck figuring out that whole football thing. ;) I've tried and tried, and I just don't get it.