Sunday, December 9, 2007


Dear Julie --

I can't believe we haven't written to each other since September. That's crazy! So tonight, as I stall longer trying to avoid putting up the Christmas tree alone, I thought it was time to get back into the habit.

I'm feeling kinda like Charlie Brown with this whole Christmas thing. I need an infusion of Christmas cheer. Barring any actual Christmas cheer, I would be willing to settle for an infusion of Mom's Christmas fudge. It certainly doesn't help matters that the Baby Jesus is permanently MIA from the nativity set. That just doesn't bode well, does it?

I've been on a mad cleaning tear this weekend. It feels really good to look around & not see cobwebs so thick they look like cotton balls. How on earth did it get so out of control? Oh yeah....all that traveling this year. But I've got enough shampoo samples that I could wash the hair of every child in Calcutta. (On second thought...maybe the adults -- none of the samples are tear-free.)

I've decided that perhaps I need a Dirt Devil. There's really not much joy in that kind of purchase. I'd much rather buy shoes or a handbag...

I hope you've had a good weekend. Tell the Sidekicks that Auntie Karen said hi.

Blog on, Garth.


PS: Here is an updated picture.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Speaking of feeling like Charlie Brown, I broke into the opening theme music for the Charlie Brown Christmas the other day at never saw so many smiles - what a classic.

As for that Dirt Devil, I could use one for my car. I pride myself in keeping my car so clean that you could eat off the floor...not lately, though. Gotta take a vacuum to it ASAP.

I just got my itinerary for my trip to Baltimore later this week - interviewing at IBM for a job that would have me traveling 100% of the time...Karen knows what I'm talking about (or "what um tawkin' bout" in Brooklyn-ese).

Party time...excellent.
