My, your hair looked lovely yesterday. So sorry to hear of your post office woes. I seem to have a love-hate relationship with the post office myself, so I can relate. Perhaps you should suggest to your local branch that they should look into a Seven Habits class.
I have a bit of a cold. It doesn't seem to be progressing into a sinus infection, so I'm thankful for that. Back in the day, my colds always did and I seem to be past that. Even so, this cold is just enough to make me feel icky. My ears are stuffy, my nose is stuffy, I'm sneezing and my eyes are running. I haven't taken any cold meds because they usually don't do much to make me feel better. However, I did make a trip to Walgreen's yesterday to purchase this:

I know several people who swear by nasal cleansing and they have all experienced a decrease in the number of colds, sinus infections and allergy issues since they started using the neti pot. I watched the video on the website a few times and wondered if I could really bring myself to do it. But I was feeling very brave (and stuffy) yesterday, so I decided to go for it.
Yes, the first time was as icky as I thought it would be. But I survived and my head did feel better yesterday afternoon. After doing a bit more reading on the SinuCleanse site, I realized that my head probably wasn't positioned quite right. So, armed with that information, I decided to try again before bed and after a few minor corrections, it was much less disgusting that time.
So there you have it. Do you think less of me?
1 comment:
Hey, I have one of those! The SinuCleanse is awesome, especially if you're pregnant and need to provide a DNA sample to buy Sudafed. ;)
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