Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Did you slip me some Kool-Aid?

Dear Karen-

See what you have done to me?? Things to do (some of which are already checked off)...exercise as an actual scheduled appointment??

OK, OK...I did accept the Planner willingly. Eagerly, even, if I'm honest. I'm finding that it really does help keep me on track and I have become more productive since I started using it. I feel such freedom writing things down in my planner and not having to try to keep it all straight in my head! It may even help with some of my fitness goals, too, as I'm finding that I do tend to make myself go exercise if I have scheduled it into my day.

I do need to get back to my Values activities. I haven't finished those yet. Apparently I need to schedule time to do it and write it down.


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