Monday, July 23, 2007


Dear Karen-

Why is it so hard to get back into a routine once one has been out of it? We seem to crave routine, or predictability, so why do some of us struggle with it so much?

Returning home from vacation was bittersweet, of course. I could have done with another week at the lake, but instead had to settle for hot and muggy Branson instead. In some ways I was quite ready to come home. That first week post-vacation is a bit of a let-down, though, isn't it? Dinner doesn't just magically appear, clothes have to be washed, the kids are suddenly without playmates...REALITY.


In order to help a bit, we have started a new routine. Its name is Kindergarten. Yes indeedy, we are now a homeschool family. I had planned to wait until we move and get settled in Charlotte, but since we still don't know for sure when that will be, I thought it might help to go ahead and take action now. Natalie enjoys it and Ethan has been sitting at the table with us, too. Most days, we can be finished in two hours or less (usually less), but I know that will change as we get further along in the curriculum. I know it will never be an all-day affair for Kindergarten and the nice part is that we can be as flexible as we need to be since legally, Natalie doesn't have to be anywhere until she is seven.

It amuses me, the things we are studying. We cover the basics, yes, but the Calvert curriculum doesn't focus too much on learning to write in Kindergarten. Instead, we talk about things like commuter trains and opthamologists!

So how is your routine these days?


Monday, July 16, 2007

Live from the Front Lines

Hey, Chicken --

Time to get back to our letter-writing campaign. Vacation was fun (even though your son did break my nose in two places). I made it through the week without any TV (well, except when Dad tried to make us watch regular - aka, non-cable - snowy TV stations on his little B&W hand-held TV) and my viewing habits have changed drastically since I've been home.

I'm excited to report that I will only be in Chicago about 18 hours this week! (This is actually big progress.) Quick trip up & back with a little deposit of Hilton Honors points. What I'll do with these HH points, I have no idea. I wonder if I could sell them on eBay? Or perhaps I can just keep wracking 'em up and take a month-long vacation in 5 years. Time will tell (she says, sounding suspiciously like an Eight-Ball).

I went to the grocery store this weekend and bought proper cooking ingredients! I haven't actually cooked, mind you...but I COULD cook if the mood struck me just right.

Can't wait to see a picture of darling Natalie without her "woogly" tooth!


Friday, July 13, 2007

I'm Home!

Dear Karen-

I don't really have anything witty to say...just wanted to say that I'm home at last!
