Monday, October 19, 2009

Truly Turrible

Dear Karen- about those Titans?

(chirp, chirp...chirp...chirp...)

I realize that my knowledge of football is virtually nil, but maybe you can help me understand something. Why is it that when a team does poorly game after game, people start calling for the coach to either resign or be fired? Doesn't a large portion of responsibility lie with the men who are actually out on the field attempting to play the game? Why does no one ever call for their resignation?


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall is Finally Here!

Dear Julie,

I am delighted to report that fall is finally here in Central Illinois!  It's a cold, rainy, dismal 52 degrees right now (with a high of 56 predicted).  It's as gloomy as can be AND I LOVE IT!!!  I am in fall clothes Hog Heaven.  But wait!  It gets even better:  We're heading to Holland, MI for the weekend, where the weather is nearly identical.  Ah, fall!

I heard you got a trampoline this week.  Don't you wish you could've had that about 3 weeks ago to jar Eleanor out of her little womb?  Speaking of Eleanor, the public needs more pictures of her.  I can't wait to meet her!

I hope you have a good day, rain or not.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Back to Blogging

Dear Julie,

First, let me congratulate you on successfully producing another human being.  I have decided that young Eleanor will be ElliePhant to me.  Partly because there's a book called Ellie the Elephant, but also because she had the gestation period of an elephant.  I can't wait to meet her in person!

You are absolutely right about us.  We dropped off the blogsphere for over an entire year.  What has become of us?  For real?

In the past 16 months...I've had 16 haircuts.  I tried sushi.  I let my hair grow out.  I moved to a new office. I met and married my best friend.  I learned how to make a fabulous pot pie.  And I've watched hundred of Law & Order episodes.

Let's move on & do better.

Love you!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What's Become of Us?

Dear Karen-

I've been thinking a lot about this old blog of ours lately and figured it was time to resurrect it. I tried to remember how long it had been since I last posted here and was a little bit mortified to see that our last entry was dated May 23, 2008! We're terrible, Muriel.

Since that time, you've married the love of your life and I've had a baby. Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'...into the future...

Having been home a week now since Ellie was born, I find myself missing a few things about being in the hospital:

  • Regular meals. Meals that someone else plans and prepares, then delivers to my bedside. Meals that require no thought or effort on my part, other than the strain of picking up the fork. The food itself was just okay...but the convenience was pure bliss.
  • Having people who checked in with me regularly to ask, "Do you need anything? Water? Juice? Narcotics?" Granted, they also did their fair share of poking and prodding - but I could live with that.
  • Crushed ice. I think it should be a right of every citizen. I miss it so much it hurts.