Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's Working

Dear Karen-

I'm seeing promising signs that we are training Natalie well. For instance, last night we were getting ready to go to our church Community Group meeting and I reminded her to use good manners and to speak if someone spoke to her. Then Greg reminded her that Mr. Ryan (Ryan Bult, he's our leader) is very silly and would probably call her Cutie or Pretty Girl. A few minutes later she looked at me and said, "I like it when people think I look cute. It makes me feel like the most important person in the world."

Then today, Natalie was pretending that she was going to have a party and informed me that these are the rules for getting ready for any party:

1. make sure your hair looks beautiful or handsome
2. have a pretty dress
3. you need great shoes

She's well on her way.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Slowskys

Hey, Chicken --

Have you seen those Comcast commercials with Bill & Karolyn Slowsky? You know, the DSL turtles? They make me laugh out loud every time I see them. I love the Sudoku one..."and do Sudoku." (I'm giggling out loud right now just thinking about it.) Anyway, here's one I haven't seen before -- it's about lava & a Hawaiian vacation. Check it out!

Have a good day. I'm off to Kankakee. (sigh)


Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Never too old to be creative

Dear Karen-

Here's proof that it's never too late. Clearly, these people experience The Urge.

Apparently there has been a documentary done about these fine folks. I'd quite like to see it.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Waiting for The Urge...

Dear Julie,

I have simply been waiting for The Urge to strike me. (Yes, I do read your blog.)

Why is it we can't keep up the Blog Mo??? I've had three haircuts, seen six movies, flown four times and written six checks since my last post. (All of a sudden, this sounds like a confession: Forgive me, Sister -- for I have not posted.)

I talked to your Mother tonight. She said Natalie lost another tooth (how cute!), but the remarkable news was that your Dad actually called her back on the telephone. Who knew he could actually PLACE calls?!?! Maybe it's just taken him all these years to figure out how those opposable thumbs work. Good boy, Dad!!!

Have you seen Mom's pots and pans lately? They are seriously 3rd World. It was very difficult to cook on them Sunday night. I'm sure we all consumed a fair share of non-stick coating with our eggs. MUST get her new cookware soon. I know it's not a glam gift, but Mother's Day is coming up none too soon for Neena.

Hey, did I mention that I've been using the Ped Egg (as seen on TV)? It's FABULOUS!!! I've been following that up morning & night with a liberal application of some Miracle Foot cream (perhaps seen on TV at some time). You won't recognize my feet!!!

Holla back!

Your Sister

OK, seriously.

Dear Karen-

January?? You have not responded to my last post, which was in January. I would like a response now.

It's a good thing I didn't hold my breath back when I wrote that last post...I'd have keeled over.


P.S. I actually used the phrase "fixin' to" in casual conversation a few days ago and didn't even realize it until I completed the whole sentence.